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Flexible Energy Procurement Framework For Businesses

Balance risk & opportunity by purchasing energy through our flexible procurement framework

flexible energy purchasing service at Trident
Flexible procurement framework

Purchase energy flexibly

Trident’s flexible procurement framework allows you to purchase energy flexibly, helping you to spread risk through multiple purchases, reduce supplier margins, and mitigate against future risk.

Our framework design provides a unique and innovative way for users who cannot access a flexible purchasing solution to purchase energy, providing the same level of buying power and flexibility as larger end users. The framework reduces exposure to market price fluctuations while allowing you to act quickly when market conditions are favourable. It also eliminates complex switching and volume limitations found in many standalone energy contracts.

By utilising our flexible procurement framework, you can manage and purchase energy flexibly, optimising your resources and securing better rates. Embrace the benefits of a flexible energy purchasing strategy with Trident’s comprehensive approach.

What our clients think

Over the last few months the quality and frequency of information provided by both Paul and Jitesh has been outstanding, whilst I appreciate these are very challenging times, and energy is the single most expensive cost to our business after wages and salaries, I have every confidence in your team that they are guiding us in the right direction given the information and market insight they have to hand. Both Paul and Jitesh make themselves readily available to answer the many questions I have, and we have a bi-weekly review, the last one was also attended by Mr Harrison the C.E.O., and whilst the picture is fairly bleak currently I believe we are in the best position we can be given current circumstances.

Diane Cottam, Senior Manager, Special Projects & Compliance – Ribby Hall Village
Why Trident should be your energy framework partner
360-degree energy expertise

Why Trident should be your energy framework partner

As a customer-focused, independent energy consultancy, we help organisations reduce energy costs, optimise their energy procurement strategy, and switch to more sustainable sources. Our unique 360-degree approach, developed with flexibility, enables us to deliver a tailored service to meet your individual needs.

Our flexible procurement framework solution is the result of an extensive tender process involving 18 suppliers for both gas and power. Each tender contained over 150 requirements for suppliers to meet, ensuring that we provide the highest quality and most reliable energy procurement services available. You can achieve flexible energy purchasing tailored to your unique needs by leveraging our flexible energy procurement framework.

Key features

100% REGO backed natural renewable electricity as standard (green gas also available)

Option to fix 100% of volume for the remainder of each delivery year, at any point

Reduced management fees and risk premiums through Trident negotiated contracts

Access to live wholesale markets

Managed by a highly experienced trading team

Reduce risk by spreading buying decisions

Good supplier backing

Named contacts and escalation points at supplier for query management

Supplier performance managed by set SLAs and KPIs

Volume tolerance protection at portfolio level

Non energy costs can be fixed, partially fixed or pass through from industry

Transparency for energy component of invoice

Key Features

  • 100% REGO backed natural renewable electricity as standard (green gas also available)
  • Option to fix 100% of volume for the remainder of each delivery year, at any point
  • Reduced management fees and risk premiums through Trident negotiated contracts
  • Access to live wholesale markets
  • Managed by a highly experienced trading team
  • Reduce risk by spreading buying decisions
  • Transparency for energy component of invoice
  • Non energy costs can be fixed, partially fixed or pass through from industry
  • Volume tolerance protection at portfolio level
  • Supplier performance managed by set SLAs and KPIs
  • Named contacts and escalation points at supplier for query management
  • Good supplier backing


Is the framework cross-subsidised resulting in some participants benefiting from advantageous trading completed before they joined?

No, the framework operates progressively, and trades are allocated on an individual client basis.

Will I be penalised if another participant breaches the volume tolerance?

No, the volume tolerance is monitored at framework level giving participants an added layer of protection. If a breach materialises, the supplier will only penalise participants causing the breach.

How green is the generation mix for the electricity framework?

The framework is based on 100% naturalREGO backed renewable energy from
wind, solar and hydro only. There is no biomass or landfill gas in the generation mix.

Are there options to reduce the carbon impact of my gas contract?

Yes, there are options to either offset the carbon or purchase green gas. There are multiple carbon offset options and green gas source options to choose from.

Our flexible procurement framework options

Asset 2

Flex assure

Designed to reflect a fixed energy contract, except commodities are purchased across multiple transactions before contract delivery to reduce the risk of buying at or near the peak. Unit rates are fixed before each annual period begins.

  • Low-risk profile
  • Budget certainty is key
  • Non-energy charges are fixed
  • site additions can be added upon each contract anniversary
Asset 3

Flex adapt

This is a more progressive, savings-targeted approach with more scope to ride market volatility and access to near-term prices within the contract delivery period. Non-energy costs can also be passed through from industry, ensuring you only pay for what is used.

  • Low-medium risk profile
  • Non-energy charges can be passed through or fixed
  • Site additions can be added at any point
  • Suits clients who have more flexibility to ride market volatility and access savings that those on lower-risk strategies may not

Key features

  • 100% REGO backed natural renewable electricity as standard (green gas also available)
  • Option to fix 100% of volume for the remainder of each delivery year at any point
  • Reduced management fees and risk premiums through Trident-negotiated contracts
  • Access to live wholesale markets
  • Managed by a highly experienced trading team
  • Reduce risk by spreading buying decisions

  • Transparency for the energy component of the invoice
  • Non-energy costs can be fixed, partially fixed or passed through from the industry
  • Volume tolerance protection at the portfolio level
  • Supplier performance is managed by setting SLAs and KPIs
  • Named contacts and escalation points at the supplier for query management
  • Good supplier backing
Flexible energy framework guide pdf
Understanding utility frameworks

Our guide to flexible energy purchasing

Discover how your business can optimise its energy strategy with our flexible energy procurement framework guide. Whether you're looking to reduce costs, increase sustainability, or enhance flexibility, our guide covers it all.

To access this essential resource, fill out the form below.


Is the framework cross-subsidised, resulting in some participants benefiting from advantageous trading completed before they joined?

No. The framework operates progressively, and trades are allocated on an individual client basis.

Will I face penalties if another participant breaches the volume tolerance?

No. The volume tolerance is monitored at the framework level, giving participants an added layer of protection. If a breach materialises, the supplier will only penalise participants causing the breach.



How green is the generation mix for the electricity framework?

The framework relies solely on 100% natural REGO-backed renewable energy sourced from wind, solar, and hydro. The generation mix does not include biomass or landfill gas.

Are there options to reduce the carbon impact of my gas contract?

Yes. The options are to offset the carbon or purchase green gas. Multiple carbon offset options and green gas source options are available.

Case Studies

KTS Wire

KTS Wire (KTS) is a specialist wire manufacturer and supplier based in Leeds and part of the Suzuki Garphyttan Group.

Case Studies

ArcelorMittal Kent Wire

Facilitating a discovery workshop was necessary to understanding ArcelorMittal’s budgetary requirements. Trident identified that adopting a flexible energy supply contract with a risk managed approach to trading would deliver increased budget certainty and lower energy costs.


Talk to one of our consultants now!

Book a meeting with one of our experts for more information about our flexible energy procurement framework.