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Utility Cost Analysis and Revenue Recovery

Unlock potential cost savings of up to 30% on your annual utility spend

Revenue Recovery
Revenue recovery audit

Finding hidden savings and recovering costs from historical billing errors

Utility invoices are complex and often littered with errors, with an estimated 1 in 5 energy invoices being incorrect. These errors can go undetected and accumulate over time, leading to significant unnecessary expenses. Many mistakes come from energy supply chain charges that standard invoice validation services can't easily identify. 

Our forensic energy audit uncovers any historical billing errors, ensuring that you can reclaim overcharges and optimise your utility costs. 


Average savings per customer following our energy cost audits

Revenue Recovery Audits

What are the benefits of a revenue recovery audit?

Trident's revenue recovery team has recovered £100 million in lost revenue for our customers since 2001. Recently, we've been involved in a project with the Education Sector whereby we uncovered a number of significant anomalies relating to their utility bills, mostly relating to charges passed through the distribution network. These don't always appear on bills, and so are often missed by in-house or outsourced bill validation/checking services. We've seen substantial refunds for many of the facilities involved, in some cases totalling more than 10% of annual spend. For one particular College, we found savings equivalent to 25% of their total budget. 

More recently we have rolled this out to many large public and private sector organisations and in approximately 70% of cases we’ve looked at we’ve found similar errors. Whilst we can’t say with 100% certainty that you will have experienced the same errors we think it’s highly probable and certainly worthy of further investigation. 


in lost revenue has been recovered for our customers since 2001.


Our energy cost recovery process

Supply audit and data collation

We gather comprehensive supply chain data from the past six years, including invoices, agreements, and supply contracts.

Detailed data analysis

Our data analysts conduct a full retrospective audit to determine billing accuracy, contracted rates, improvement opportunities, and comparisons with industry and legislative changes.

Identify refund opportunities

We compile a thorough report detailing all refund and savings opportunities that we have identified.

Energy cost recovery and savings

We act to correct overcharges and work with third parties to secure identified refunds and savings.

Energy supply audit

Control future costs with an in-depth review of your energy bills

  • Potential savings of up to 30% of annual spend 
  • Risk-free: No fees unless savings are achieved 
  • Hassle-free: We manage the entire process 
  • Future-proofing: Optimises costs moving forward 
  • Environmental impact: Use recovered revenue for energy efficiency projects, reducing carbon footprint 
  • Improved accuracy: Enhanced energy consumption data and billing confidence 
energy cost recovery
Why have a retrospective audit?

Gain peace of mind regarding your utility charges and billing

Our audit identifies errors and additional savings that standard contracts often miss. We cover up to six years of historical and current supply arrangements, including third-party charges throughout the supply chain. This retrospective audit benefits both consultants and customers by ensuring correct invoicing and continuous savings opportunities. 


Contact our utility cost recovery team today!

Maximise your savings and ensure billing accuracy. Contact us today to unlock potential savings without any risk. 

Our approach to revenue recovery...

Our billing experts will review your current and past utility bills, identify any mistakes and areas where you could save money, and then get refunds for any overpayments in a quick and easy way.

Obtain base data

We will create a database of energy invoice charges for each meter point over the last six years, using invoices provided by the client or from suppliers using a suitable Letter of Authority.

Initial validation process

After uploading your data onto our Vertex analysis system, we will 're-construct' each invoice using actual cost data for each element of chargeable cost. This will help us identify any billing anomalies, which we will then document for discussion.

Initial report

We will submit an initial report, which will include details of all refund opportunities that we have identified.

Refund arrangements

If we find that you're owed a refund, we'll contact the supplier on your behalf, provide evidence of the error, and arrange for the refund to be sent to you directly.


Final report

You will receive a validation report detailing all refund opportunities processed and all credits and refunds received.

Our approach to revenue recovery...

Our billing experts will review your current and past utility bills, identify any mistakes and areas where you could save money, and then get refunds for any overpayments in a quick and easy way.

Obtain base data

We will create a database of energy invoice charges for each meter point over the last six years, using invoices provided by the client or from suppliers using a suitable Letter of Authority.

Initial validation process

After uploading your data onto our Vertex analysis system, we will 're-construct' each invoice using actual cost data for each element of chargeable cost. This will help us identify any billing anomalies, which we will then document for discussion.

Initial report

We will submit an initial report, which will include details of all refund opportunities that we have identified.


Refund arrangements

If we find that you're owed a refund, we'll contact the supplier on your behalf, provide evidence of the error, and arrange for the refund to be sent to you directly.

Final report

You will receive a validation report detailing all refund opportunities processed and all credits and refunds received.