In this article, we’ve picked out the key energy-related news stories coming from the net zero and energy space.
Almost 59% of Businesses Are Without Climate Action Plans
EY's latest Global Climate Action Barometer reveals that only 41% of companies globally have established climate transition plans.
Full story from ELN
Major Agreement Reached at COP29: 5 Key Takeaways
COP29 concludes with developing countries criticizing the $300 billion (£240 billion) per year in climate finance pledged by 2035 as a 'paltry sum.
Full story from the BBC
Will China Lead the Way if Trump Pulls Back on Climate Action?
BBC climate editor, Justin Rowatt, caught up with the chief negotiator of one of the most powerful countries at the latest COP.
Full story from the BBC
UK Government Launches Groundbreaking Review on Sustainability's Economic Benefits for SMEs
An independent review has been launched to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) embrace sustainability and unlock its economic opportunities.
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Is ZEV on Its Last Legs? Experts Say Otherwise
Nick Molden has been discussing the future of EV sales targets, as the car sector continues to fight against targets labelled “unworkable”.
Full story from ELN
National Grid Trial Harnesses Recycled Vegetable Oil to Fuel Vehicles
National Grid Electricity Distribution is trialing Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) as a cleaner fuel alternative for over 100 vehicles in its Boston, Lincolnshire fleet. Derived from recycled cooking oil and other waste materials, HVO is being tested as a diesel substitute for vehicles not yet ready to transition to electric power.
Full story from ELN