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ESOS Phase 3 Compliance

Time is running out - the deadline to submit your notification of compliance for ESOS phase 3 is fast approaching on the 6th August

If you still don’t have a lead assessor, or have failed to register on the MESOS platform, talk to us today to see how we can help.

ESOS Compliance

What is the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)?

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for organisations in the UK that meet the qualification criteria.Qualifying organisations must carry out ESOS assessments every four years.

These assessments are audits of the energy used by their buildings, industrial processes, and transport to identify cost-effective energy-saving measures. The deadline for submitting notification of compliance for phase 3 of ESOS is 6th August.

Value we deliver

In-house expertise

We were among the first UK-based consultants to offer ESOS lead assessors, helping organisations to meet requirements as early as possible.

Guaranteed success rates

An audit by The Environment Agency found a shocking 63% of Phase 2 evidence packs were only partially compliant and required some corrective action. We are proud to declare that 100% of our customers achieved compliance through our ESOS guidance.

Beyond compliance

We can help you implement sustainable solutions that reduce energy costs and optimise energy efficiency.

Start saving now

By taking action today you can reap the benefits sooner from your energy-saving opportunities. With energy prices high this makes good commercial sense as well as being good for our environment!


ESOS timeline

We’ve helped over 100 UK businesses achieve ESOS compliance by conducting energy audits and fulfilling the necessary reporting requirements for Phases 1, 2 & 3.

The typical process is as follows:

Step 1: Determine eligibility

Step 2: Allocate one of our ESOS lead assessors to the project

Step 3: Evaluate energy consumption, review estate portfolio and determine what site surveys are required applying an appropriate sampling regime

Step 4: Complete the necessary site surveys

Step 5: Issue site survey reports

Step 6: Compile energy consumption covering a 12-month period that includes the qualification date.

Step 7: Finalise report, obtain board-level signoff and register relevant consumption data and report findings with the Environment Agency

Trident Utilities ESOS compliance checklist
Download Form

ESOS Compliance Checklist

For more information, please fill out the form below to download our helpful ESOS phase 3 compliance checklist. 

Current qualification thresholds

An organisation qualifies if it is classified as a large UK undertaking or part of one of its corporate groups. Corporate groups qualify if at least one UK group member meets the definition of a large undertaking.

Large undertakings

For the qualification date for the third compliance period (31 December 2022) a large undertaking is any UK company that either:

  • employs 250 or more people
  • has an annual turnover over £44 million, and an annual balance sheet total over £38 million

If you qualify and your organisation is fully covered by ISO 50001, you do not need to carry out an ESOS assessment. You just need to notify the Environment Agency that you’re compliant.

Do you qualify for ESOS Phase 3?

Qualifying organisations must start the auditing process now to ensure they meet the 5th June 2024 deadline. As one of the leading UK consultants, we have a wealth of experience in delivering a well-rounded and fully compliant service.

We were among the first UK-based consultants to offer ESOS lead assessors and have helped many businesses and organisations manage their audits and fulfil the Phase 1 and 2 requirements.


ESOS regulation and penalties

Your environmental regulator is responsible for compliance and enforcement activities. It may issue civil sanctions, including financial penalties, if an organisation does not meet the scheme’s obligations.

What are the benefits of complying with ESOS?

If your organisation fulfills the survey, then you will benefit from:
  • A reduction in your energy consumption
  • Identify several cost saving opportunities
  • Understand ways to lower your carbon emissions

What our clients think

When faced with the compliance requirements, our business did not hesitate to contract the services of Trident yet again to steer us through the requirements of both Phase 1 compliance and subsequently Phase 2.

M Hegarty - Greenergy Biofuels Ltd
Consultation Outcomes

Changes to ESOS Phase 3 and beyond

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) recently published its response to the consultation on proposed measures to strengthen the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) which aimed to increase the energy and carbon savings from businesses who participate.

The Government's response to the consultation sets out a summary of the proposals to improve the quality of audits through increased standardisation of reporting. This is to include a Net Zero element to audits, and a requirement for public disclosure of high-level recommendations by participants. Our experts have summarised the key changes that businesses should be aware of for Phase 3 of the scheme and how ESOS Phase 4 could look with the new changes.


Summary of key changes for Phase 3

  • The de minimis exemption is to be reduced from 10% to 5% of total energy consumption. 

  • Reporting will become standardised to boost audit quality. A new template will be provided that lead Assessors will use for reporting.

  • ESOS reports will require an overall energy intensity metric in the overview section. Suggested metric include kWh/m2 for buildings, kWh/unit output for your industry as well as kWh/miles travelled for transport.

  • Half-hourly consumption data will be analysed and included within reports.

  • A target or action plan to be submitted once Phase 3 concludes, which will be a reporting requirement for Phase 4.

Contact Us

Book a meeting with one of our experts to discuss ESOS Phase 3.

Please choose a suitable date and time slot below and we look forward to speaking with you soon.


What will ESOS Phase 4 look like?

The government has stressed that Phase 4 will focus on covering Net Zero as well as energy efficiency, to support the Net Zero 2050 target.

What else will Phase 4 include?

Certain data will become mandatory to be made public. Examples include carbon reduction targets and Net Zero assessments.

What are the penalties for not complying?

A fixed penalty of £5,000 plus an additional £500 per day until notification is completed. Other penalties could be damage to reputation for not complying and cost of lost opportunity from failing to identify energy saving measures.

Has the ESOS Phase 3 deadline changed?

Yes, the deadline was extended to 5th June 2024 in June 2023 due to the increased data requirements announced a month earlier. This six-month extension is to give ESOS-qualifying organisations more time to fulfil their compliance. The Environment Agency made no changes to the qualification criteria.

Is it harder to submit ESOS Phase 3 data than it is for ESOS Phase 1 or 2?

Yes, you now need to submit significantly increased levels of data to completely fulfil your phase 3 compliance compared to both phase 1 and phase 2. This was due to the Environment Agency announcing an increase in the ESOS Phase 3 data requirements in May 2023 followed by a 6-month ESOS phase 3 deadline extension to 5th June 2024.