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Navigating energy efficiency in sporting institutions

Written by Siobhana Connolly | May 21, 2024 8:20:31 AM

This blog will examine the complexities of managing energy efficiency in sports organisations. We'll discuss global and UK net zero commitments, challenges, and opportunities. We'll highlight solutions like Event Insights driving progress towards a sustainable future.

The need for energy efficiency in sporting institutions

Sporting events and institutions hold significant sway, captivating audiences globally and symbolising athleticism, competition, and camaraderie. Behind the scenes, however, these spectacles often have a significant environmental footprint. From energy-intensive facilities to transportation emissions and waste generation, the environmental impact of sporting events and institutions can be substantial.

In light of these realities, prioritising energy efficiency becomes a moral and strategic necessity for sporting institutions. Here's why:

Cost savings: 

Energy represents a significant operational expense for sporting institutions, covering stadium lighting, heating, transportation, and equipment. By investing in energy-efficient technologies and practices, institutions can realise substantial cost savings over time, 

For example, this can involve retrofitting facilities, optimising transportation logistics, or implementing intelligent energy management systems. The business can then reinvest its savings into improving facilities or furthering sustainability initiatives.

Reputational benefits: 

A commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability can enhance a sporting institution's reputation. By aligning with global and national sustainability goals, institutions signal their dedication to social responsibility and environmental stewardship, which enhances their appeal to fans, sponsors, and partners. Moreover, as public awareness of climate change grows, proactive environmental efforts help institutions weather reputational risks and crises, safeguarding their long-term viability.

By prioritising energy efficiency, sporting institutions can achieve cost savings, enhance their reputation, and contribute to broader sustainability objectives. Doing so secures their future and inspires others within the industry and beyond to adopt sustainable practices, creating positive change.


Innovative solutions: the role of event insights

In the quest for energy efficiency, innovative solutions like Event Insights are invaluable allies for sporting institutions. Event Insights provides a complete platform for analysing and optimising facility energy consumption. It offers detailed insights into usage patterns and opportunities for improvement. By utilising advanced data analytics and real-time monitoring, sports clubs can identify inefficiencies, implement targeted strategies, and track progress towards efficiency goals. From optimising lighting and HVAC systems to managing transportation logistics, Event Insights empowers sporting institutions to make informed decisions that reduce costs and carbon emissions.

Our recent case study highlights the tangible benefits of implementing Event Insights. It enabled £493,000 of potential annual savings, with immediate efficiency savings opportunities identified, equating to 9% of consumption and the potential for a further 20% reduction through investment. Moreover, clear insights into variance in energy usage per event, reaching up to 65%, translated into extraordinary potential savings of £6,500 per event


Actionable strategies for sporting clubs

So, what can sporting clubs do to reduce energy costs, minimise their carbon footprint, and contribute to a greener future? Here are some actionable strategies and best practices:

Conduct an energy audit: Conduct a thorough energy audit to identify high-energy consumption areas and potential opportunities for improvement. Conducting the energy audit will form the basis for developing an effective energy efficiency plan.

Invest in energy-efficient technologies: Upgrade to energy-efficient lighting, HVAC systems, and appliances to reduce energy waste and lower operational costs. Explore investments in renewable energy, like wind turbines and solar panels, to decrease dependency on fossil fuels.

Optimise operational processes: Implement measures to optimise and reduce energy usage during events and non-event periods. These measures may include scheduling events to minimise overlap, implementing energy-saving practices, and promoting sustainable transportation options for fans and staff.

Engage stakeholders: Increase awareness among fans, sponsors, and stakeholders about energy efficiency and sustainability initiatives. Encourage their support and participation in green initiatives, like recycling and carbon offsetting schemes.

Set clear goals and targets: Establish ambitious but achievable goals for reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. Track progress regularly and adjust strategies to stay on course towards achieving net zero emissions.


Best practices for sustainability

To build upon these actionable strategies, sporting clubs can further enhance their sustainability efforts by implementing best practices derived from successful initiatives within the industry. For instance, through comprehensive energy audits, leading clubs have demonstrated the effectiveness of identifying common areas of energy consumption, such as lighting, HVAC systems, and transportation. By pinpointing these areas, clubs can develop targeted strategies for reducing energy costs and carbon footprint. 

Moreover, investing in energy-efficient technologies, such as upgrading to LED lighting and implementing intelligent HVAC systems, can yield significant savings while lowering environmental impact. Clubs can also optimise operational processes to minimise energy usage during events and non-event periods. Engaging stakeholders, including employees and fans, is crucial for fostering a culture of sustainability and garnering support for green initiatives. Setting clear goals and targets and regular progress tracking ensures accountability and drives continuous improvement towards achieving net-zero emissions. By incorporating these best practices into their sustainability initiatives, sporting clubs can make meaningful strides towards a greener future while reaping the benefits of cost savings and enhanced environmental stewardship.


To summarise

In conclusion, the journey towards net zero emissions requires concerted effort and collective action from all sectors of society, including the sports industry. Sporting institutions can showcase their commitment to sustainability by prioritising energy efficiency initiatives. By utilising innovative solutions such as Event Insights and implementing practical strategies and best practices, sports clubs can reduce energy costs, minimise their carbon footprint, and contribute to a greener future. Take the first step towards a sustainable future today - book a free call with one of our experts to learn more about how Event Insights can revolutionise your approach to energy management.