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OFGEM looking to offer energy flexibility across the UK

Written by Jimmy Coultas | Aug 21, 2023 11:28:56 AM

Energy regulator OFGEM has opened a consultation process to UK homes and businesses to bring more flexible electricity use in the future.

OFGEM issued a formal call for input on how to engage customers in Demand Side Response (DSR), which will be a pivotal step in the UK making an affordable transition to a low-carbon national grid over the upcoming years. With electricity use increasing and the supply becoming increasingly intermittent due to the nature of low-carbon sources such as wind and solar, these changes are an essential aspect of the UK government's plans to completely decarbonise the energy system by 2035.

In their statement, OFGEM commented that energy consumers will need "to change the way they have historically consumed energy, adjusting their energy consumption in response to the needs and requirements of the energy system and being rewarded in return". DSR can be achieved either manually through behavioural shifts or via automation, such as smart meters charging Electric Vehicles (EVs) at opportune moments. As well as helping the transition, DSR could also save businesses and domestic users billions of pounds. A recent study from Cornwall Insight revealed electric costs could be reduced by £4.6 billion per year through domestic flexibility.

for the consultation, OFGEM wants to speak to energy businesses and consumers alongside fleet operators and public sector workers. To register your interest you can email