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A Smarter Approach to Energy - Trident Utilities

Written by mmcbride | Jul 20, 2016 11:00:00 PM

Trident release new ‘Smart Buyer’ energy cost reduction suite in 2016

Rising commercial energy costs are an ever-increasing issue for UK consumers and with the impact of significant increases in the con-commodity element of electricity charges, in particular over the next few years, Trident Utilities believes that a smarter and more strategic approach to energy cost reduction is required.

All too often, consumers are focused on obtaining the cheapest price for their energy at any given time, with limited consideration to their energy cost and consumption over the medium to long term.

This situation isn’t helped, with a vast array of energy brokers, who are keen to sign energy consumers to an energy supply contract in order to bank their own future revenue streams, whilst giving little consideration to the real needs and unique circumstances of each customer. Based upon a thorough evaluation of each individual consumer, the opportunity for potential self-generation, load management, local direct energy supplies and a range of revenue generation or cost avoidance opportunities that now exist, Trident is able to offer our customers the prospect of substantial cost savings that have been missed by others.

In the past year alone, Trident has uncovered numerous customers who have been placed on inappropriate supplier contracts, which have resulted in charges that could have easily been avoided (in some cases up to 20%) had more consideration been given to the customer’s unique requirements and a more appropriate supplier contract implemented.

What our customers say

Trident has delivered savings on two levels – firstly by demonstrating expert timing of the signature of our utility contract, thereby providing extremely rates at a low point in the market, and also by identifying substantial savings, both backdated and ongoing, that our previous consultant had missed.
Adrian Etchells - J E Hartley Limited